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This software is part of J.-S. Caux's ABACUS library.
Copyright (c) J.-S. Caux.
File: src/BETHE/Offsets.cc
Purpose: defines functions in Offsets class.
#include "ABACUS.h"
using namespace std;
namespace ABACUS {
// Function definitions: class Offsets
Offsets::Offsets () : base(), Tableau(Vect<Young_Tableau>()), type_id(0LL), id(0LL), maxid(0LL) {};
Offsets::Offsets (const Offsets& RefOffset) // copy constructor
: base(RefOffset.base), Tableau(Vect<Young_Tableau> (2 * base.Nrap.size() + 2)), type_id(RefOffset.type_id), id(RefOffset.id), maxid(RefOffset.maxid)
for (int i = 0; i < 2 * base.Nrap.size() + 2; ++i) Tableau[i] = RefOffset.Tableau[i];
Offsets::Offsets (const Heis_Base& RefBase, long long int req_type_id)
// sets all tableaux to empty ones, with nparticles(req_type_id) at each level
// Build nparticles vector from req_type_id
Vect<int> nparticles(0, 2* RefBase.Nrap.size() + 2);
long long int factor = pow_ulli (10LL, nparticles.size() - 1);
long long int id_eff = req_type_id;
for (int i = 0; i < nparticles.size(); ++i) {
nparticles[nparticles.size() - 1 - i] = id_eff/factor;
id_eff -= factor * nparticles[nparticles.size() - 1 - i];
factor /= 10LL;
// Check if we've got the right vector...
long long int idcheck = Offsets_type_id (nparticles);
if (idcheck != req_type_id) ABACUSerror("idcheck != req_type_id in Offsets constructor.");
(*this) = Offsets(RefBase, nparticles);
Offsets::Offsets (const Heis_Base& RefBase, Vect<int> nparticles) // sets all tableaux to empty ones, with nparticles at each level
: base(RefBase), Tableau(Vect<Young_Tableau> (2 * base.Nrap.size() + 2)), type_id(Offsets_type_id (nparticles)), id(0LL), maxid(0LL)
// Checks on nparticles vector:
if (nparticles.size() != 2 * base.Nrap.size() + 2) ABACUSerror("Wrong nparticles.size in Offsets constructor.");
//if (base.Nrap[0] != (nparticles[3] + nparticles[2] + base.Mdown - nparticles[0] - nparticles[1])) ABACUSerror("Wrong Nrap[0] in Offsets constructor.");
if (nparticles[3] + nparticles[2] != nparticles[0] + nparticles[1]) {
cout << nparticles[0] << "\t" << nparticles[1] << "\t" << nparticles[2] << "\t" << nparticles[3] << endl;
ABACUSerror("Wrong Npar[0-3] in Offsets constructor.");
for (int base_level = 1; base_level < base.Nrap.size(); ++ base_level)
if (base.Nrap[base_level] != nparticles[2*base_level + 2] + nparticles[2*base_level + 3]) {
cout << base_level << "\t" << base.Nrap[base_level] << "\t" << nparticles[2*base_level + 2] << "\t" << nparticles[2*base_level + 3] << endl;
ABACUSerror("Wrong Nrap[] in Offsets constructor.");
// nparticles[0,1]: number of holes on R and L side in GS interval
if (nparticles[0] > (base.Nrap[0] + 1)/2) ABACUSerror("nparticles[0] too large in Offsets constructor.");
if (nparticles[1] > base.Nrap[0]/2) ABACUSerror("nparticles[1] too large in Offsets constructor.");
// nparticles[2,3]: number of particles of type 0 on R and L side out of GS interval
if (nparticles[2] > (base.Ix2_max[0] - base.Nrap[0] + 1)/2) ABACUSerror("nparticles[2] too large in Offsets constructor.");
if (nparticles[3] > (base.Ix2_max[0] - base.Nrap[0] + 1)/2) ABACUSerror("nparticles[3] too large in Offsets constructor.");
for (int base_level = 1; base_level < base.Nrap.size(); ++ base_level)
if ((nparticles[2*base_level + 2] > 0 && nparticles[2*base_level + 2] > (base.Ix2_max[base_level] - ((base.Nrap[base_level] + 1) % 2) + 2)/2)
//|| (nparticles[2*base_level + 3] > 0 && nparticles[2*base_level + 3] > (base.Ix2_max[base_level] - (base.Nrap[base_level] % 2) - 1)/2)) {
|| (nparticles[2*base_level + 3] > 0
&& nparticles[2*base_level + 3] > base.Ix2_max[base_level] + 1 - (base.Ix2_max[base_level] - ((base.Nrap[base_level] + 1) % 2) + 2)/2)) {
cout << base_level << "\t" << nparticles[2*base_level + 2] << "\t" << (base.Ix2_max[base_level] - ((base.Nrap[base_level] + 1) % 2) + 2)/2
<< "\t" << nparticles[2*base_level + 3] << "\t" << (base.Ix2_max[base_level] - (base.Nrap[base_level] % 2) - 1)/2
<< "\t" << (nparticles[2*base_level + 2] > 0) << "\t" << (nparticles[2*base_level + 2] > (base.Ix2_max[base_level] - ((base.Nrap[base_level] + 1) % 2) + 2)/2)
//<< "\t" << (nparticles[2*base_level + 3] > 0) << "\t" << (nparticles[2*base_level + 3] > (base.Ix2_max[base_level] - (base.Nrap[base_level] % 2) - 1)/2)
<< "\t" << (nparticles[2*base_level + 3] > 0) << "\t"
<< (nparticles[2*base_level + 3] > base.Ix2_max[base_level] + 1 - (base.Ix2_max[base_level] - ((base.Nrap[base_level] + 1) % 2) + 2)/2)
<< endl;
ABACUSerror("nparticles too large in Offsets constructor.");
// Check sum of rapidities
// Holes in GS interval
Tableau[0] = Young_Tableau(nparticles[0], (base.Nrap[0] + 1)/2 - nparticles[0]);
Tableau[1] = Young_Tableau(nparticles[1], base.Nrap[0]/2 - nparticles[1], Tableau[0]);
// Particles of type 0 out of GS interval
Tableau[2] = Young_Tableau(nparticles[2], (base.Ix2_max[0] - base.Nrap[0] + 1)/2 - nparticles[2], Tableau[0]);
Tableau[3] = Young_Tableau(nparticles[3], (base.Ix2_max[0] - base.Nrap[0] + 1)/2 - nparticles[3], Tableau[2]);
// Tableaux of index i = 2,...: data about string type i/2-1.
for (int base_level = 1; base_level < base.Nrap.size(); ++base_level) {
Tableau[2*base_level + 2] = Young_Tableau(nparticles[2*base_level + 2],
//(base.Ix2_max[base_level] - ((base.Nrap[base_level]) % 2) + 2)/2 - nparticles[2*base_level + 2], Tableau[2]);
//(base.Ix2_max[base_level] - base.Nrap[base_level] % 2 + 2)/2 - nparticles[2*base_level + 2], Tableau[2]);
(base.Ix2_max[base_level] - ((base.Nrap[base_level] + 1) % 2))/2 + 1 - nparticles[2*base_level + 2], Tableau[2]);
Tableau[2*base_level + 3] = Young_Tableau(nparticles[2*base_level + 3],
//(base.Ix2_max[base_level] - base.Nrap[base_level] % 2)/2 - nparticles[2*base_level + 3], Tableau[3]);
(base.Ix2_max[base_level] - (base.Nrap[base_level] % 2) - 1)/2 + 1 - nparticles[2*base_level + 3], Tableau[3]);
maxid = 1LL;
//id = Tableau[0].id;
for (int i = 0; i < nparticles.size(); ++i) {
maxid *= Tableau[i].maxid + 1LL;
//id += maxid + Tableau[i].id;
maxid -= 1LL;
Offsets& Offsets::operator= (const Offsets& RefOffset)
if (this != &RefOffset) {
base = RefOffset.base;
Tableau = RefOffset.Tableau;
type_id = RefOffset.type_id;
id = RefOffset.id;
maxid = RefOffset.maxid;
bool Offsets::operator<= (const Offsets& RefOffsets)
// Check whether all nonzero tableau row lengths in RefOffsets
// are <= than those in *this
bool answer = true;
for (int level = 0; level < 4; ++level) { // check fundamental level only
//for (int level = 0; level < 2 * base.Nrap.size() + 2; ++level) {
// First check whether all rows which exist in both tableaux satisfy rule:
for (int tableau_level = 0; tableau_level < ABACUS::min(Tableau[level].Nrows, RefOffsets.Tableau[level].Nrows); ++tableau_level)
if (Tableau[level].Row_L[tableau_level] > RefOffsets.Tableau[level].Row_L[tableau_level])
answer = false;
// Now check whether there exist extra rows violating rule:
for (int tableau_level = ABACUS::min(Tableau[level].Nrows, RefOffsets.Tableau[level].Nrows); tableau_level < Tableau[level].Nrows; ++tableau_level)
if (Tableau[level].Row_L[tableau_level] > 0) answer = false;
bool Offsets::operator>= (const Offsets& RefOffsets)
// Check whether all nonzero tableau row lengths in RefOffsets
// are >= than those in *this
bool answer = true;
for (int level = 0; level < 4; ++level) { // check fundamental level only
//for (int level = 0; level < 2 * base.Nrap.size() + 2; ++level) {
// First check whether all rows which exist in both tableaux satisfy rule:
for (int tableau_level = 0; tableau_level < ABACUS::min(Tableau[level].Nrows, RefOffsets.Tableau[level].Nrows); ++tableau_level)
if (Tableau[level].Row_L[tableau_level] < RefOffsets.Tableau[level].Row_L[tableau_level])
answer = false;
// Now check whether there exist extra rows violating rule:
for (int tableau_level = ABACUS::min(Tableau[level].Nrows, RefOffsets.Tableau[level].Nrows); tableau_level < RefOffsets.Tableau[level].Nrows; ++tableau_level)
if (RefOffsets.Tableau[level].Row_L[tableau_level] > 0) answer = false;
void Offsets::Compute_type_id ()
type_id = 0LL;
for (int i = 0; i < 2*base.Nrap.size() + 2; ++i) {
type_id += Tableau[i].Nrows * pow_ulli(10LL, i);
void Offsets::Set_to_id (long long int idnr)
// The idnr of the Offset is given by
// sub_id[0] + (total number of tableaux of type 0) * (sub_id[1] + (total number of tableaux of type 1) * (sub_id[2] + ...
// + total number of tableaux of type (2*base.Nrap.size()) * sub_id[2*base.Nrap.size() + 1]
if (idnr > maxid) {
cout << idnr << "\t" << maxid << endl;
ABACUSerror("idnr too large in offsets.Set_to_id.");
id = idnr;
Vect<long long int> sub_id(0LL, 2*base.Nrap.size() + 2);
long long int idnr_eff = idnr;
long long int temp_prod = 1LL;
Vect<long long int> result_choose(2*base.Nrap.size() + 2);
for (int i = 0; i <= 2*base.Nrap.size(); ++i) {
//result_choose[i] = choose_lli(Tableau[i].Nrows + Tableau[i].Ncols, Tableau[i].Nrows);
result_choose[i] = Tableau[i].maxid + 1LL;
temp_prod *= result_choose[i];
for (int i = 2*base.Nrap.size() + 1; i > 0; --i) {
sub_id[i] = idnr_eff/temp_prod;
idnr_eff -= sub_id[i] * temp_prod;
temp_prod /= result_choose[i-1];
sub_id[0] = idnr_eff; // what's left goes to the bottom...
for (int i = 0; i <= 2*base.Nrap.size() + 1; ++i) {
//cout << "level = " << i << " Tableau.id = " << sub_id[i] << endl;
if ((Tableau[i].Nrows * Tableau[i].Ncols == 0) && (sub_id[i] != 0)) ABACUSerror("index too large in offset.Set_to_id.");
if (Tableau[i].id != sub_id[i]) Tableau[i].Set_to_id(sub_id[i]);
Compute_type_id ();
void Offsets::Compute_id ()
long long int prod_maxid = 1LL;
id = 0LL;
for (int i = 0; i < 2*base.Nrap.size() + 2; ++i) {
id += Tableau[i].id * prod_maxid;
prod_maxid *= Tableau[i].maxid + 1LL;
Vect<long long int> Offsets::Descendents (bool fixed_iK)
// From a given vector of Young tableaux specifying a particular eigenstate,
// this function provides the full set of descendents (either at the same momentum if
// fixed_iK == true, or not) by returning a vector of all descendent id's (leaving the
// base and type invariant), which can then be used for further calculations.
// This set of descendents is meant to be used when calculating either partition functions
// or zero-temperature correlation functions.
// - all even sectors consistently increase/decrease momentum for increasing tableau row length
// - all odd sectors consistently decrease/increase momentum for increasing tableau row length
// all tableau levels `above' the lowest occupied one are descended as for fixed_iK == false,
// and the lowest sector's highest tableau level's row length is modified (increased or decreased by one
// unit if possible) such that the iK of Tableau_desc == iK of Tableau_ref.
// The logic behind this is that for a state with nexc excitations, we let run nexc - 1 of the
// excitations, and the lowest one is fixed in place by the momentum constraint, if possible.
Vect<Young_Tableau> Tableau_ref = (*this).Tableau;
Vect<Young_Tableau> Tableau_desc = Tableau_ref;
} // namespace ABACUS