
857 rindas
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This software is part of J.-S. Caux's ABACUS library.
Copyright (c) J.-S. Caux.
File: ABACUS_Scan.h
Purpose: Declares all classes and functions used in the
ABACUS logic of scanning with threads.
#include "ABACUS.h"
namespace ABACUS {
const int MAX_STATE_LIST_SIZE = 10000;
// Functions in src/UTILS/Data_File_Name.cc:
void Data_File_Name (std::stringstream& name, char whichDSF, DP c_int, DP L, int N,
int iKmin, int iKmax, DP kBT, DP L2, std::string defaultname);
std::string Data_Filename (char whichDSF, DP c_int, DP L, int N,
int iKmin, int iKmax, DP kBT, DP L2, std::string defaultname);
void Data_File_Name (std::stringstream& name, char whichDSF, int iKmin, int iKmax, DP kBT,
LiebLin_Bethe_State& State, LiebLin_Bethe_State& RefScanState, std::string defaultname);
std::string Data_Filename (char whichDSF, int iKmin, int iKmax, DP kBT,
LiebLin_Bethe_State& State, LiebLin_Bethe_State& RefScanState, std::string defaultname);
void Data_File_Name (std::stringstream& name, char whichDSF, DP Delta, int N, int M, int iKmin, int iKmax,
DP kBT, int N2, std::string defaultname);
std::string Data_Filename (char whichDSF, DP Delta, int N, int M, int iKmin, int iKmax,
DP kBT, int N2, std::string defaultname);
void Data_File_Name (std::stringstream& name, char whichDSF, int iKmin, int iKmax, DP kBT,
Heis_Bethe_State& State, Heis_Bethe_State& RefScanState, std::string defaultname);
std::string Data_Filename (char whichDSF, int iKmin, int iKmax, DP kBT,
Heis_Bethe_State& State, Heis_Bethe_State& RefScanState, std::string defaultname);
void ODSLF_Data_File_Name (std::stringstream& name, char whichDSF, DP Delta, int N, int M,
int iKmin, int iKmax, DP kBT, int N2, std::string defaultname);
void Data_File_Name (std::stringstream& name, char whichDSF, int iKmin, int iKmax, DP kBT,
ODSLF_Bethe_State& State, ODSLF_Bethe_State& RefScanState, std::string defaultname);
// Coding to convert ints to strings: for application in reduced labels
//const int ABACUScodingsize = 64; // use a multiple of 2 to accelerate divisions in labeling.
//const char ABACUScoding[] = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '!', '?'};
// From ABACUS++T_8 onwards: forbid special characters as |, :, !, ? and all capital letters in labels.
// This is due to the dumb capitalization-preserving but capitalization-insensitive HFS+ filesystem on Mac OS X.
const int ABACUScodingsize = 32;
const char ABACUScoding[] = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v'};
const char LABELSEP = '_'; // was _
const char TYPESEP = 'x'; // was |
const char EXCSEP = 'y'; // was :
const char INEXCSEP = 'z'; // was @
struct State_Label_Data {
Vect<int> type; // integer type labels of the types present
Vect<int> M; // how many particles of each type
Vect<int> nexc; // how many excitations as compared to the reference state used
Vect<Vect<int> > Ix2old; // which Ix2 will be excited
Vect<Vect<int> > Ix2exc; // which Ix2 the excitation has shifted to
State_Label_Data (const Vect<int>& type_ref, const Vect<int>& M_ref,
const Vect<int>& nexc_ref, const Vect<Vect<int> >& Ix2old_ref, const Vect<Vect<int> >& Ix2exc_ref)
type = type_ref; M = M_ref; nexc = nexc_ref; Ix2old = Ix2old_ref; Ix2exc = Ix2exc_ref;
std::string Extract_Base_Label (std::string label); // works for labels and complabels
std::string Extract_nexc_Label (std::string label);
// For compressed labels: conversions between integers and char/strings.
std::string Convert_POSINT_to_STR (int int_to_convert);
int Convert_CHAR_to_POSINT (char char_to_convert);
int Convert_STR_to_POSINT (std::string str_to_convert);
State_Label_Data Read_Base_Label (std::string label);
State_Label_Data Read_State_Label (std::string label, const Vect<Vect<int> >& OriginIx2);
State_Label_Data Read_State_Label (std::string label, const Vect<int>& OriginIx2); // if there is only one type
std::string Return_State_Label (State_Label_Data data, const Vect<Vect<int> >& OriginIx2);
std::string Return_State_Label (State_Label_Data data, const Vect<int>& OriginIx2); // if there is only one type
std::string Return_State_Label (const Vect<Vect<int> >& ScanIx2, const Vect<Vect<int> >& OriginIx2);
std::string Return_State_Label (const Vect<int>& ScanIx2, const Vect<int>& OriginIx2); // if there is only one type
Vect<Vect<int> > Return_Ix2_from_Label (std::string label_ref, const Vect<Vect<int> >& OriginIx2);
Vect<int> Return_Ix2_from_Label (std::string label_ref, const Vect<int>& OriginIx2); // specialization to Lieb-Liniger
// Functions for descending states: in SCAN/Descendents.cc
Vect<std::string> Descendent_States_with_iK_Stepped_Up (std::string ScanIx2_label, const LiebLin_Bethe_State& OriginState, bool disperse_only_current_exc, bool preserve_nexc);
Vect<std::string> Descendent_States_with_iK_Stepped_Down (std::string ScanIx2_label, const LiebLin_Bethe_State& OriginState, bool disperse_only_current_exc, bool preserve_nexc);
Vect<std::string> Descendent_States_with_iK_Preserved (std::string ScanIx2_label, const LiebLin_Bethe_State& OriginState, bool disperse_only_current_exc_up, bool preserve_nexc_up, bool disperse_only_current_exc_down, bool preserve_nexc_down);
Vect<std::string> Descendent_States_with_iK_Stepped_Up (std::string ScanIx2_label, const Heis_Bethe_State& OriginState, bool disperse_only_current_exc, bool preserve_nexc);
Vect<std::string> Descendent_States_with_iK_Stepped_Down (std::string ScanIx2_label, const Heis_Bethe_State& OriginState, bool disperse_only_current_exc, bool preserve_nexc);
Vect<std::string> Descendent_States_with_iK_Preserved (std::string ScanIx2_label, const Heis_Bethe_State& OriginState, bool disperse_only_current_exc_up, bool preserve_nexc_up, bool disperse_only_current_exc_down, bool preserve_nexc_down);
// For symmetric state scanning:
Vect<std::string> Descendent_States_with_iK_Stepped_Up_rightIx2only
(std::string ScanIx2_label, const LiebLin_Bethe_State& OriginState, bool disperse_only_current_exc, bool preserve_nexc);
Vect<std::string> Descendent_States_with_iK_Stepped_Down_rightIx2only
(std::string ScanIx2_label, const LiebLin_Bethe_State& OriginState, bool disperse_only_current_exc, bool preserve_nexc);
Vect<std::string> Descendent_States_with_iK_Stepped_Up_rightIx2only
(std::string ScanIx2_label, const Heis_Bethe_State& OriginState, bool disperse_only_current_exc, bool preserve_nexc);
Vect<std::string> Descendent_States_with_iK_Stepped_Down_rightIx2only
(std::string ScanIx2_label, const Heis_Bethe_State& OriginState, bool disperse_only_current_exc, bool preserve_nexc);
// Functions to prepare and wrapup parallel scans:
void Prepare_Parallel_Scan_LiebLin (char whichDSF, DP c_int, DP L, int N, int iKmin, int iKmax, DP kBT,
std::string defaultname, int paralevel, Vect<int> rank_lower_paralevels,
Vect<int> nr_processors_lower_paralevels, int nr_processors_at_newlevel);
void Wrapup_Parallel_Scan_LiebLin (char whichDSF, DP c_int, DP L, int N, int iKmin, int iKmax, DP kBT,
std::string defaultname, int paralevel, Vect<int> rank_lower_paralevels,
Vect<int> nr_processors_lower_paralevels, int nr_processors_at_newlevel);
void Prepare_Parallel_Scan_Heis (char whichDSF, DP Delta, int N, int M, int iKmin, int iKmax,
int paralevel, Vect<int> rank_lower_paralevels,
Vect<int> nr_processors_lower_paralevels, int nr_processors_at_newlevel);
void Wrapup_Parallel_Scan_Heis (char whichDSF, DP Delta, int N, int M, int iKmin, int iKmax,
int paralevel, Vect<int> rank_lower_paralevels,
Vect<int> nr_processors_lower_paralevels, int nr_processors_at_newlevel);
void Filter_RAW_File_for_iK (const char ff_file[], int iKneeded);
void Sort_RAW_File (const char ffsq_file[], char optionchar);
void Sort_RAW_File (const char ffsq_file[], char optionchar, char whichDSF);
// Functions for data interpretation:
DP Smoothen_RAW_into_SF (std::string prefix, int iKmin, int iKmax, int DiK, DP devmax,
DP ommin, DP ommax, int Nom, DP gwidth, DP normalization, DP denom_sum_K);
DP Smoothen_RAW_into_SF (std::string prefix, Vect<std::string> rawfilename, Vect<DP> weight, int iKmin, int iKmax, int DiK, DP devmax,
DP ommin, DP ommax, int Nom, DP gwidth, DP normalization, DP denom_sum_K);
void Write_K_File (DP Length, int iKmin, int iKmax);
void Write_Omega_File (int Nout_omega, DP omegamin, DP omegamax);
void Write_Time_File (int Nt, DP tmin, DP tmax);
// Smoothen with gaussian width scaled with two-particle bandwidth
DP Smoothen_RAW_into_SF_LiebLin_Scaled (std::string prefix, DP L, int N, int iKmin, int iKmax, int DiK, DP ommin, DP ommax, int Nom, DP width, DP normalization);
struct Scan_Info {
DP sumrule_obtained;
DP Nfull; // dimensionality of (sub)Hilbert space considered
long long int Ninadm;
long long int Ndata;
long long int Ndata_conv;
long long int Ndata_conv0;
double TT; // total computation time in seconds
Scan_Info(); // constructor, puts everything to zero
Scan_Info (DP sr, DP Nf, long long int Ni, long long int Nd, long long int Ndc, long long int Ndc0, double t);
// void Save (const char* outfile_Cstr);
// void Load (const char* infile_Cstr);
void Save (std::string outfile_str);
void Load (std::string infile_str);
inline Scan_Info& operator = (const Scan_Info& ref_info)
sumrule_obtained = ref_info.sumrule_obtained;
Nfull = ref_info.Nfull;
Ninadm = ref_info.Ninadm;
Ndata = ref_info.Ndata;
Ndata_conv = ref_info.Ndata_conv;
Ndata_conv0 = ref_info.Ndata_conv0;
TT = ref_info.TT;
inline Scan_Info& operator+= (const Scan_Info& ref_info)
if (this != &ref_info) {
sumrule_obtained += ref_info.sumrule_obtained;
Nfull += ref_info.Nfull;
Ninadm += ref_info.Ninadm;
Ndata += ref_info.Ndata;
Ndata_conv += ref_info.Ndata_conv;
Ndata_conv0 += ref_info.Ndata_conv0;
TT += ref_info.TT;
inline Scan_Info& operator-= (const Scan_Info& ref_info)
if (this != &ref_info) {
sumrule_obtained -= ref_info.sumrule_obtained;
Nfull -= ref_info.Nfull;
Ninadm -= ref_info.Ninadm;
Ndata -= ref_info.Ndata;
Ndata_conv -= ref_info.Ndata_conv;
Ndata_conv0 -= ref_info.Ndata_conv0;
TT -= ref_info.TT;
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& s, const Scan_Info& info);
// Functions in src/SCAN/General_Scan.cc:
template<class Tstate>
Scan_Info General_Scan (char whichDSF, int iKmin, int iKmax, int iKmod, DP kBT, Tstate& AveragingState, Tstate& SeedScanState,
std::string defaultScanStatename, int Max_Secs, DP target_sumrule, bool refine, int paralevel, Vect<int> rank, Vect<int> nr_processors);
Scan_Info Scan_LiebLin (char whichDSF, DP c_int, DP L, int N, int iKmin, int iKmax, DP kBT,
int Max_Secs, DP target_sumrule, bool refine,
int paralevel, Vect<int> rank, Vect<int> nr_processors);
Scan_Info Scan_LiebLin (char whichDSF, DP c_int, DP L, int N, int iKmin, int iKmax, DP kBT,
int Max_Secs, DP target_sumrule, bool refine);
Scan_Info Scan_LiebLin (char whichDSF, LiebLin_Bethe_State AveragingState, std::string defaultScanStatename,
int iKmin, int iKmax,
int Max_Secs, DP target_sumrule, bool refine,
int paralevel, Vect<int> rank, Vect<int> nr_processors);
Scan_Info Scan_LiebLin (char whichDSF, LiebLin_Bethe_State AveragingState, std::string defaultname,
int iKmin, int iKmax,
int Max_Secs, DP target_sumrule, bool refine);
Scan_Info Scan_LiebLin_Geometric_Quench (DP c_int, DP L_1, int type_id_1, long long int id_1, DP L_2, int N,
int iK_UL, int Max_Secs, DP target_sumrule, bool refine);
Scan_Info Scan_Heis (char whichDSF, DP Delta, int N, int M, int iKmin, int iKmax,
int Max_Secs, DP target_sumrule, bool refine,
int paralevel, Vect<int> rank, Vect<int> nr_processors);
Scan_Info Scan_Heis (char whichDSF, DP Delta, int N, int M, int iKmin, int iKmax,
int Max_Secs, DP target_sumrule, bool refine);
Scan_Info Scan_Heis (char whichDSF, XXZ_Bethe_State& AveragingState, std::string defaultScanStatename,
int iKmin, int iKmax,
int Max_Secs, DP target_sumrule, bool refine,
int paralevel, Vect<int> rank, Vect<int> nr_processors);
Scan_Info Scan_Heis (char whichDSF, XXX_Bethe_State& AveragingState, std::string defaultScanStatename,
int iKmin, int iKmax,
int Max_Secs, DP target_sumrule, bool refine,
int paralevel, Vect<int> rank, Vect<int> nr_processors);
Scan_Info Scan_Heis (char whichDSF, XXZ_gpd_Bethe_State& AveragingState, std::string defaultScanStatename,
int iKmin, int iKmax,
int Max_Secs, DP target_sumrule, bool refine,
int paralevel, Vect<int> rank, Vect<int> nr_processors);
Scan_Info Scan_ODSLF (char whichDSF, DP Delta, int N, int M, int iKmin, int iKmax,
int Max_Secs, DP target_sumrule, bool refine, int rank, int nr_processors);
Scan_Info Scan_ODSLF (char whichDSF, DP Delta, int N, int M, int iKmin, int iKmax, int Max_Secs, bool refine);
Scan_Info Scan_ODSLF (char whichDSF, DP Delta, int N, int M, int iKneeded, int Max_Secs, bool refine);
Scan_Info Scan_ODSLF (char whichDSF, DP Delta, int N, int M, int Max_Secs, bool refine);
// Functions in src/SCAN/Descendents.cc:
Vect<std::string> Descendents (const LiebLin_Bethe_State& ScanState, const LiebLin_Bethe_State& OriginState, int type_required);
Vect<std::string> Descendents (const Heis_Bethe_State& ScanState, const Heis_Bethe_State& OriginState, int type_required);
struct Scan_Thread {
std::string label;
int type;
Scan_Thread ();
Scan_Thread (std::string label_ref, int type_ref) {
label = label_ref;
type = type_ref;
Scan_Thread& operator= (const Scan_Thread& RefThread);
struct Scan_Thread_Data {
// By convention, a Scan_Thread_Data object handles a list of threads which are yet to be descended.
// Improvement on Scan_Thread_Set used up to ABACUS++G_7, saving data to disk instead of holding it in memory.
int nlists = 6400; // number of threads lists, fixed to this number by convention.
DP logscale = (1.0/64) * log(2.0); // each separate list contains threads differing by a scale factor of 2^{1/64} \approx 1.01.
std::string thrdir_name; // directory in which threads files are saved.
Vect<int> nthreads_total;
Vect<int> nthreads_on_disk;
int lowest_il_with_nthreads_neq_0;
// In-memory storage, for adding threads efficiently without constantly writing to disk
// These objects are saved to disk when Next_Scan_Threads are called.
Vect<int> dim;
Vect<int> nthreads_in_memory;
Vect<Vect<std::string> > label;
Vect<Vect<int> > type; // which type of descendent is needed
Vect<std::string> filename;
Scan_Thread_Data ();
Scan_Thread_Data (std::string thrdir_name_ref, bool refine);
~Scan_Thread_Data ();
bool Increase_Memory_Size (int il, int nr_to_add);
void Include_Thread (DP abs_data_value_ref, std::string label_ref, int type_ref);
void Include_Thread (int il, std::string label_ref, int type_ref);
Vect<Scan_Thread> Extract_Next_Scan_Threads (); // returns a vector of the threads that are next in line. By defn, all threads with index il == lowest_il_with_nthreads_neq_0. These are removed from the object.
Vect<Scan_Thread> Extract_Next_Scan_Threads (int min_nr); // as above, but returns a minimum of min_nr threads.
void Flush_to_Disk (int il);
void Save ();
void Load ();
// To populate a list of states for scanning:
inline void Scan_for_Possible_Bases (const Vect<int> SeedNrap, const Vect<int> Str_L,
int Mdown_remaining, Vect<std::string>& possible_base_label, int& nfound, int nexc_max_used,
int base_level_to_scan, Vect<int>& Nrapidities)
if (Mdown_remaining < 0) { ABACUSerror("Scan_for_Possible_Bases: shouldn't be here..."); } // reached inconsistent point
if (base_level_to_scan == 0) {
if (Str_L[0] != 1) ABACUSerror("Str_L[0] != 1 in ABACUS_Scan.h Scan_for_Possible_Bases.");
Nrapidities[0] = Mdown_remaining;
// Set label:
std::stringstream M0out;
M0out << Nrapidities[0];
possible_base_label[nfound] = M0out.str();
for (int itype = 1; itype < Nrapidities.size(); ++itype)
if (Nrapidities[itype] > 0) {
possible_base_label[nfound] += TYPESEP;
std::stringstream typeout;
typeout << itype;
possible_base_label[nfound] += typeout.str();
possible_base_label[nfound] += EXCSEP;
std::stringstream Mout;
Mout << Nrapidities[itype];
possible_base_label[nfound] += Mout.str();
else {
// Preserve the number of strings at this level as compared to SeedState:
Nrapidities[base_level_to_scan] = SeedNrap[base_level_to_scan];
if (Mdown_remaining - Str_L[base_level_to_scan] * Nrapidities[base_level_to_scan] >= 0)
Scan_for_Possible_Bases (SeedNrap, Str_L, Mdown_remaining - Str_L[base_level_to_scan] * Nrapidities[base_level_to_scan],
possible_base_label, nfound, nexc_max_used, base_level_to_scan - 1, Nrapidities);
// Reduce number of strings at this level as compared to SeedState:
for (int i = 1; i <= ABACUS::min(SeedNrap[base_level_to_scan], nexc_max_used/Str_L[base_level_to_scan]); ++i) {
Nrapidities[base_level_to_scan] = SeedNrap[base_level_to_scan] - i;
if (Mdown_remaining - Str_L[base_level_to_scan] * Nrapidities[base_level_to_scan] >= 0)
Scan_for_Possible_Bases (SeedNrap, Str_L, Mdown_remaining - Str_L[base_level_to_scan] * Nrapidities[base_level_to_scan],
possible_base_label, nfound, nexc_max_used - i*Str_L[base_level_to_scan], base_level_to_scan - 1, Nrapidities);
// Increase the number of strings at this level as compared to SeedState:
for (int i = 1; i <= ABACUS::min(Mdown_remaining/Str_L[base_level_to_scan], nexc_max_used/Str_L[base_level_to_scan]); ++i) {
Nrapidities[base_level_to_scan] = SeedNrap[base_level_to_scan] + i;
if (Mdown_remaining - Str_L[base_level_to_scan] * Nrapidities[base_level_to_scan] >= 0)
Scan_for_Possible_Bases (SeedNrap, Str_L, Mdown_remaining - Str_L[base_level_to_scan] * Nrapidities[base_level_to_scan],
possible_base_label, nfound, nexc_max_used - i*Str_L[base_level_to_scan], base_level_to_scan - 1, Nrapidities);
inline Vect<std::string> Possible_Bases (const Vect<int> SeedNrap, const Vect<int> Str_L, int Mdown)//const Heis_Bethe_State& SeedState)
int nexc_max_used = NEXC_MAX_HEIS;
Vect<std::string> possible_base_label (1000);
int nfound = 0;
Vect<int> Nrapidities = SeedNrap;
int Mdown_remaining = Mdown;
Scan_for_Possible_Bases (SeedNrap, Str_L, Mdown_remaining, possible_base_label, nfound, nexc_max_used, SeedNrap.size() - 1, Nrapidities);
// Copy results into a clean vector:
Vect<std::string> possible_base_label_found (nfound);
for (int i = 0; i < nfound; ++i) possible_base_label_found[i] = possible_base_label[i];
template<class Tstate>
class Scan_State_List {
int ndef;
Vect<Tstate> State;
Vect<std::string> base_label;
Vect<Scan_Info> info; // info for base and type of State[n]
Vect<bool> flag_for_scan; // set to true, next round of scanning will use this base/type
Vect<bool> scan_attempted; // whether this has already been attempted
inline Scan_State_List (char whichDSF, const Tstate& SeedScanState);
inline Tstate& Return_State (std::string base_label_ref); // returns a state corresponding to same base and type
inline void Populate_List (char whichDSF, const Tstate& SeedScanState); // creates all types of states containing up to nexc_max excitations
inline void Include_Info (Scan_Info& info_to_add, std::string base_label_ref);
inline void Raise_Scanning_Flags (DP threshold); // checks whether base/type should be scanned based on simpler base/type combinations
inline void Order_in_SRC ();
// inline void Save_Info (const char* sumfile_Cstr);
// inline void Load_Info (const char* sumfile_Cstr);
inline void Save_Info (std::string sumfile_str);
inline void Load_Info (std::string sumfile_str);
// Do the explicit class specializations:
inline Scan_State_List<LiebLin_Bethe_State>::Scan_State_List (char whichDSF, const LiebLin_Bethe_State& SeedScanState)
: ndef(0), State(Vect<LiebLin_Bethe_State>(MAX_STATE_LIST_SIZE)), base_label(Vect<std::string>(MAX_STATE_LIST_SIZE)),
info(Vect<Scan_Info>(MAX_STATE_LIST_SIZE)), flag_for_scan(Vect<bool>(false, MAX_STATE_LIST_SIZE)),
scan_attempted(Vect<bool>(false, MAX_STATE_LIST_SIZE))
State[0] = SeedScanState;
inline Scan_State_List<XXZ_Bethe_State>::Scan_State_List (char whichDSF, const XXZ_Bethe_State& SeedScanState)
: ndef(0), State(Vect<XXZ_Bethe_State>(MAX_STATE_LIST_SIZE)), base_label(Vect<std::string>(MAX_STATE_LIST_SIZE)),
info(Vect<Scan_Info>(MAX_STATE_LIST_SIZE)), flag_for_scan(Vect<bool>(false, MAX_STATE_LIST_SIZE)),
scan_attempted(Vect<bool>(false, MAX_STATE_LIST_SIZE))
State[0] = SeedScanState;
inline Scan_State_List<XXX_Bethe_State>::Scan_State_List (char whichDSF, const XXX_Bethe_State& SeedScanState)
: ndef(0), State(Vect<XXX_Bethe_State>(MAX_STATE_LIST_SIZE)), base_label(Vect<std::string>(MAX_STATE_LIST_SIZE)),
info(Vect<Scan_Info>(MAX_STATE_LIST_SIZE)), flag_for_scan(Vect<bool>(false, MAX_STATE_LIST_SIZE)),
scan_attempted(Vect<bool>(false, MAX_STATE_LIST_SIZE))
State[0] = SeedScanState;
inline Scan_State_List<XXZ_gpd_Bethe_State>::Scan_State_List (char whichDSF, const XXZ_gpd_Bethe_State& SeedScanState)
: ndef(0), State(Vect<XXZ_gpd_Bethe_State>(MAX_STATE_LIST_SIZE)), base_label(Vect<std::string>(MAX_STATE_LIST_SIZE)),
info(Vect<Scan_Info>(MAX_STATE_LIST_SIZE)), flag_for_scan(Vect<bool>(false, MAX_STATE_LIST_SIZE)),
scan_attempted(Vect<bool>(false, MAX_STATE_LIST_SIZE))
State[0] = SeedScanState;
inline Scan_State_List<ODSLF_XXZ_Bethe_State>::Scan_State_List (char whichDSF, const ODSLF_XXZ_Bethe_State& RefState)
: ndef(0), State(Vect<ODSLF_XXZ_Bethe_State>(MAX_STATE_LIST_SIZE)), base_label(Vect<std::string>(MAX_STATE_LIST_SIZE)),
info(Vect<Scan_Info>(MAX_STATE_LIST_SIZE)), flag_for_scan(Vect<bool>(false, MAX_STATE_LIST_SIZE)),
scan_attempted(Vect<bool>(false, MAX_STATE_LIST_SIZE))
if (whichDSF == 'Z' || whichDSF == 'z') State[0] = ODSLF_XXZ_Bethe_State(RefState.chain, RefState.base.Mdown);
else if (whichDSF == 'm') State[0] = ODSLF_XXZ_Bethe_State(RefState.chain, RefState.base.Mdown - 1);
else if (whichDSF == 'p') State[0] = ODSLF_XXZ_Bethe_State(RefState.chain, RefState.base.Mdown + 1);
else ABACUSerror("Unknown whichDSF in Scan_State_List<ODSLF_XXZ... constructor.");
inline LiebLin_Bethe_State& Scan_State_List<LiebLin_Bethe_State>::Return_State (std::string base_label_ref)
int n = 0;
while (n < ndef && base_label_ref.compare(base_label[n]) != 0) n++;
if (n == ndef) {
State[n] = State[0];
base_label[n] = base_label_ref;
info[n].Nfull = 1LL; // Nfull not definable for LiebLin
inline XXZ_Bethe_State& Scan_State_List<XXZ_Bethe_State>::Return_State (std::string base_label_ref)
int n = 0;
while (n < ndef && base_label_ref.compare(base_label[n]) != 0) n++;
if (n == ndef) {
Heis_Base checkbase (State[0].chain, base_label_ref);
State[n] = XXZ_Bethe_State (State[0].chain, checkbase);
info[n].Nfull = checkbase.dimH;
inline XXX_Bethe_State& Scan_State_List<XXX_Bethe_State>::Return_State (std::string base_label_ref)
int n = 0;
while (n < ndef && base_label_ref.compare(base_label[n]) != 0) n++;
if (n == ndef) {
Heis_Base checkbase (State[0].chain, base_label_ref);
State[n] = XXX_Bethe_State (State[0].chain, checkbase);
info[n].Nfull = checkbase.dimH;
inline XXZ_gpd_Bethe_State& Scan_State_List<XXZ_gpd_Bethe_State>::Return_State (std::string base_label_ref)
int n = 0;
while (n < ndef && base_label_ref.compare(base_label[n]) != 0) n++;
if (n == ndef) {
Heis_Base checkbase (State[0].chain, base_label_ref);
State[n] = XXZ_gpd_Bethe_State (State[0].chain, checkbase);
info[n].Nfull = checkbase.dimH;
inline ODSLF_XXZ_Bethe_State& Scan_State_List<ODSLF_XXZ_Bethe_State>::Return_State (long long int base_id_ref, long long int type_id_ref)
int n = 0;
while (n < ndef && !(base_id_ref == State[n].base_id && type_id_ref == State[n].type_id)) n++;
if (n == ndef) {
State[n] = ODSLF_XXZ_Bethe_State (State[0].chain, base_id_ref, type_id_ref);
info[n].Nfull = State[n].maxid + 1LL;
inline void Scan_State_List<LiebLin_Bethe_State>::Populate_List (char whichDSF, const LiebLin_Bethe_State& SeedScanState)
// For LiebLin_Bethe_State: only one base is used, so there is only one state here.
if (ndef != 0) ABACUSerror("Please only populate a virgin Scan_State_List.");
std::stringstream baselabel;
baselabel << State[0].N;
base_label[0] = baselabel.str();
std::stringstream label0;
label0 << State[0].N << LABELSEP << ABACUScoding[0] << LABELSEP;//"_0_";
State[0].Set_to_Label (label0.str(), SeedScanState.Ix2);
info[0].Nfull = 1LL; // Nfull not definable for LiebLin
ndef = 1;
inline void Scan_State_List<XXZ_Bethe_State>::Populate_List (char whichDSF, const XXZ_Bethe_State& SeedScanState)
// creates all types of states containing up to nexc_max excitations
if (ndef != 0) ABACUSerror("Please only populate a virgin Scan_State_List.");
// We assume that SeedScanState has quantum numbers which are set according to the relevant AveragingState.
// This function creates a list of states with other bases in the vicinity of that of SeedScanState,
// matching the quantum numbers as closely as possible.
Vect<int> Str_L(SeedScanState.chain.Nstrings);
for (int i = 0; i < SeedScanState.chain.Nstrings; ++i) Str_L[i] = SeedScanState.chain.Str_L[i];
// First of all, we create a list of the possible bases themselves.
Vect<std::string> bases_label = Possible_Bases (SeedScanState.base.Nrap, Str_L, SeedScanState.base.Mdown); // returns a vector of possible bases
for (int ib = 0; ib < bases_label.size(); ++ib) {
Heis_Base checkbase (State[0].chain, bases_label[ib]);
State[ndef] = XXZ_Bethe_State (State[0].chain, checkbase);
State[ndef].Set_to_Closest_Matching_Ix2_fixed_Base (SeedScanState);
State[ndef].Set_Label_from_Ix2 (State[ndef].Ix2); // sets to trivial label for this base
base_label[ndef] = bases_label[ib];
info[ndef].Nfull = State[ndef].base.dimH;
if (ndef >= MAX_STATE_LIST_SIZE) ABACUSerror("Increase number of elements in ScanStateList.");
inline void Scan_State_List<XXX_Bethe_State>::Populate_List (char whichDSF, const XXX_Bethe_State& SeedScanState)
// creates all types of states containing up to nexc_max excitations
if (ndef != 0) ABACUSerror("Please only populate a virgin Scan_State_List.");
// We assume that SeedScanState has quantum numbers which are set according to the relevant AveragingState.
// This function creates a list of states with other bases in the vicinity of that of SeedScanState,
// matching the quantum numbers as closely as possible.
Vect<int> Str_L(SeedScanState.chain.Nstrings);
for (int i = 0; i < SeedScanState.chain.Nstrings; ++i) Str_L[i] = SeedScanState.chain.Str_L[i];
// To take infinite rapidities into account, we use intermediate states with up to 2 less finite rapidities (1 for Szz, 2 for Spm)
int nrinfrapmax = 0;
if (whichDSF == 'z') nrinfrapmax = 1;
else if (whichDSF == 'p') nrinfrapmax = ABACUS::min(2, SeedScanState.base.Mdown);
Vect<int> Nrapmod = SeedScanState.base.Nrap;
for (int nrinfrap = 0; nrinfrap <= nrinfrapmax; ++nrinfrap) {
Nrapmod[0] = SeedScanState.base.Nrap[0] - nrinfrap;
if (Nrapmod[0] < 0) ABACUSerror("Putting too many rapidities at infinity in ABACUS_Scan.h: Possible_Bases.");
Vect<std::string> bases_label = Possible_Bases (Nrapmod, Str_L, SeedScanState.base.Mdown-nrinfrap); // returns a vector of possible bases
for (int ib = 0; ib < bases_label.size(); ++ib) {
Heis_Base checkbase (State[0].chain, bases_label[ib]);
State[ndef] = XXX_Bethe_State (State[0].chain, checkbase);
State[ndef].Set_to_Closest_Matching_Ix2_fixed_Base (SeedScanState);
base_label[ndef] = bases_label[ib];
info[ndef].Nfull = State[ndef].base.dimH;
if (ndef >= MAX_STATE_LIST_SIZE) ABACUSerror("Increase number of elements in ScanStateList.");
} // for nrinfrap
inline void Scan_State_List<XXZ_gpd_Bethe_State>::Populate_List (char whichDSF, const XXZ_gpd_Bethe_State& SeedScanState)
// creates all types of states containing up to nexc_max excitations
if (ndef != 0) ABACUSerror("Please only populate a virgin Scan_State_List.");
// We assume that SeedScanState has quantum numbers which are set according to the relevant AveragingState.
// This function creates a list of states with other bases in the vicinity of that of SeedScanState,
// matching the quantum numbers as closely as possible.
Vect<int> Str_L(SeedScanState.chain.Nstrings);
for (int i = 0; i < SeedScanState.chain.Nstrings; ++i) Str_L[i] = SeedScanState.chain.Str_L[i];
// First of all, we create a list of the possible bases themselves.
Vect<std::string> bases_label = Possible_Bases (SeedScanState.base.Nrap, Str_L, SeedScanState.base.Mdown); // returns a vector of possible bases
for (int ib = 0; ib < bases_label.size(); ++ib) {
Heis_Base checkbase (State[0].chain, bases_label[ib]);
State[ndef] = XXZ_gpd_Bethe_State (State[0].chain, checkbase);
State[ndef].Set_to_Closest_Matching_Ix2_fixed_Base (SeedScanState);
base_label[ndef] = bases_label[ib];
info[ndef].Nfull = State[ndef].base.dimH;
if (ndef >= MAX_STATE_LIST_SIZE) ABACUSerror("Increase number of elements in ScanStateList.");
inline void Scan_State_List<ODSLF_XXZ_Bethe_State>::Populate_List ()
// creates all types of states containing up to nexc_max excitations
if (ndef != 0) ABACUSerror("Please only populate a virgin Scan_State_List.");
//std::cout << "In Populate_List: " << State[0] << std::endl;
Vect<long long int> bases_id = State[0].chain.Possible_Bases (State[0].base.Mdown); // returns a vector of possible bases
//std::cout << "Mdown = " << State[0].base.Mdown << "\tPossible bases size: " << bases_id.size() << "\tPossible bases: " << bases_id << std::endl;
for (int ib = 0; ib < bases_id.size(); ++ib) {
ODSLF_Base checkbase (State[0].chain, bases_id[ib]);
Vect<long long int> types_id = checkbase.Possible_Types (); // returns a vector of possible types
//std::cout << "For base_id " << bases_id[ib] << "\t found types " << types_id << std::endl;
for (int it = 0; it < types_id.size(); ++it) {
if (bases_id[ib] < 1000000) { // FUDGE: consider only one-strings
//std::cout << "Populate list: constructing state: " << bases_id[ib] << "\t" << types_id[it] << std::endl;
State[ndef] = ODSLF_XXZ_Bethe_State (State[0].chain, bases_id[ib], types_id[it]);
//std::cout << "Populate list: before setting id: " << std::endl << State[ndef] << std::endl;
//std::cout << "Populate list: after setting id: " << std::endl << State[ndef] << std::endl;
info[ndef].Nfull = State[ndef].maxid + 1LL;
if (ndef >= MAX_STATE_LIST_SIZE) ABACUSerror("Increase number of elements in ScanStateList.");
template<class Tstate>
inline void Scan_State_List<Tstate>::Include_Info (Scan_Info& info_to_add, std::string base_label_ref)
int n = 0;
while (n < ndef && base_label_ref.compare(base_label[n]) != 0) n++;
if (n == ndef) {
std::cout << "ndef = " << ndef << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < ndef; ++i) std::cout << base_label[i] << "\t";
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "base_label_ref " << base_label_ref << std::endl;
ABACUSerror("Did not find base_label_ref in Scan_State_List::Include_Info.");
info[n] += info_to_add;
template<class Tstate>
inline void Scan_State_List<Tstate>::Raise_Scanning_Flags (DP threshold)
flag_for_scan = true;
template<class Tstate>
inline void Scan_State_List<Tstate>::Order_in_SRC ()
if (ndef > 0) {
Vect_INT index(ndef);
for (int i = 0; i < ndef; ++i) index[i] = i;
Vect<DP> sr (ndef);
for (int i = 0; i < ndef; ++i) sr[i] = info[i].sumrule_obtained;
sr.QuickSort(index, 0, ndef - 1);
Vect<Tstate> State_ordered(ndef);
Vect<std::string> base_label_ordered(ndef);
Vect<Scan_Info> info_ordered(ndef);
Vect<bool> flag_for_scan_ordered(ndef);
// Put data in proper order
for (int i = 0; i < ndef; ++i) {
State_ordered[i] = State[index[ndef - 1 - i] ];
base_label_ordered[i] = base_label[index[ndef - 1 - i] ];
info_ordered[i] = info[index[ndef - 1 - i] ];
flag_for_scan_ordered[i] = flag_for_scan[index[ndef - 1 - i] ];
// Put back in *this object:
for (int i = 0; i < ndef; ++i) {
State[i] = State_ordered[i];
base_label[i] = base_label_ordered[i];
info[i] = info_ordered[i];
flag_for_scan[i] = flag_for_scan_ordered[i];
} // The rest are all simply 0.
template<class Tstate>
inline void Scan_State_List<Tstate>::Save_Info (std::string sumfile_str)
std::ofstream outfile;
if (outfile.fail()) ABACUSerror("Could not open outfile... ");
outfile << std::setw(20) << "base" << std::setw(25) << "sumrule_obtained" << std::setw(25) << "Nfull" << std::setw(10) << "Ninadm" << std::setw(10) << "Ndata" << std::setw(10) << "conv" << std::setw(10) << "conv0" << std::setw(10) << "TT.";
for (int i = 0; i < ndef; ++i)
if (info[i].Nfull > 0.0) {
int TT_hr = int(info[i].TT/3600);
int TT_min = int((info[i].TT - 3600.0*TT_hr)/60);
outfile << std::endl << std::setw(20) << base_label[i] << std::setw(25);
if (info[i].sumrule_obtained < 1.0) outfile << std::fixed;
else outfile << std::scientific;
outfile << std::setprecision(16) << info[i].sumrule_obtained;
if (info[i].Nfull < 1.0e+10) outfile << std::setw(25) << std::fixed << std::setprecision(0) << info[i].Nfull;
else outfile << std::setw(25) << std::scientific << std::setprecision(16) << info[i].Nfull;
outfile << std::setw(10) << info[i].Ninadm << std::setw(10) << info[i].Ndata << std::setw(10) << info[i].Ndata_conv << std::setw(10) << info[i].Ndata_conv0 << std::setw(10) << TT_hr << " h " << TT_min << " m " << std::fixed << std::showpoint << std::setprecision(3) << info[i].TT - 3600.0*TT_hr - 60.0*TT_min << " s";
template<class Tstate>
inline void Scan_State_List<Tstate>::Load_Info (std::string sumfile_str)
std::ifstream infile;
if(infile.fail()) {
std::cout << std::endl << sumfile_str << std::endl;
ABACUSerror("Could not open input file in Scan_State_List::Load_Info.");
// Load first line, containing informative text:
char junk[256];
infile.getline(junk, 256);
// Now load the previous info's:
std::string base_label_ref;
DP sr_ref;
DP Nfull_ref;
long long int Ninadm_ref, Ndata_ref, conv_ref, conv0_ref;
DP TT_ref;
int TT_hr, TT_min;
DP TT_sec;
char a;
while (infile.peek() != EOF) {
infile >> base_label_ref >> sr_ref >> Nfull_ref >> Ninadm_ref >> Ndata_ref >> conv_ref >> conv0_ref >> TT_hr >> a >> TT_min >> a >> TT_sec >> a;
TT_ref = 3600.0 * TT_hr + 60.0* TT_min + TT_sec;
Scan_Info info_ref (sr_ref, Nfull_ref, Ninadm_ref, Ndata_ref, conv_ref, conv0_ref, TT_ref);
(*this).Include_Info (info_ref, base_label_ref);
} // namespace ABACUS