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#! /usr/bin/env python
Plot DSF.
Usage: python plot_dsf_k_range.py [omega file] [dsf file]
import glob
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
import numpy as np
import os
import sys
N = str(sys.argv[1])
width = str(sys.argv[2])
# Get the list of interactions which have been computed
dirlist = os.listdir('../data/N_%s' % N)
clist = sorted([float(c.lstrip('c_')) for c in dirlist])
# Get the K file
kfile = glob.glob('../data/N_%s/c_%s*/K_*' % (N, str(clist[0]).rstrip('.0')[:12]))[0]
k = np.loadtxt(kfile)
# Get the Omega file
omegafile = glob.glob('../data/N_%s/c_%s*/Omega*' % (N, str(clist[0]).rstrip('.0')[:12]))[0]
omega = np.loadtxt(omegafile)
# Load all the available dsfs from the data store
dsfs = {}
for c in clist:
# Do some black magic here: for matching the interaction,
# first try for exact match, stripping '.0' to treat integer values, e.g. 4.0 into 4
# and then (if it doesn't work) use only the first 12 characters, plus wildcard, to cover rounding errors
dsffile = glob.glob('../data/N_%s/c_%s/*_w_%s.dsfs' % (N, str(c).rstrip('.0'), width))[0]
except IndexError:
dsffile = glob.glob('../data/N_%s/c_%s*/*_w_%s.dsfs' % (N, str(c).rstrip('.0')[:12], width))[0]
dsfs[str(c)] = np.loadtxt(dsffile)
# Read some useful parameters from (last) file name:
elements = dsffile.rpartition('/')[2].split('_')
L = elements[5]
#N = elements[7]
iKmax = elements[14]
width = elements[22].rpartition('.')[0]
# which leads to
rho = int(N)/int(L)
#kokF = int(iK)*0.5/int(L)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# To determine the y axis limits, we look at the lowest value of c (sharpest peak)
dsfsmax = 0.5
ymax = omega[-1]
xtext = 0.05 * k[-1]
ytext = 0.9 * ymax
ax.text(xtext, ytext, f'c = {clist[0]:10.6f}', color='white', fontsize='large')
pcm = ax.pcolormesh(k, omega, dsfs[str(clist[0])], vmax=dsfsmax)
fig.colorbar(pcm, ax=ax)
def animate(i):
ax.set_title(f'c scan, rho={rho} (N={N}), w={width}', fontsize='x-large')
ax.text(xtext, ytext, f'c = {clist[i]:10.6f}', color='white', fontsize='x-large')
ax.pcolormesh(k, omega, dsfs[str(clist[i])], vmax=dsfsmax)
ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=len(clist), interval=100, repeat=False)
outfilename = (dsffile.partition('_c_')[0].rpartition('/')[2] + '_c_scan_' +
ani.save(outfilename + '.mp4')
with open(outfilename + '.html', 'w') as file: