
145 lines
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This software is part of J.-S. Caux's ABACUS library.
Copyright (c) J.-S. Caux.
File: src/LIEBLIN/LiebLin_Matrix_Element_Contrib.cc
Purpose: handles the generic call for a Lieb-Liniger matrix element contribution.
#include "ABACUS.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace ABACUS;
namespace ABACUS {
DP Compute_Matrix_Element_Contrib (char whichDSF, int iKmin, int iKmax, LiebLin_Bethe_State& LeftState,
LiebLin_Bethe_State& RefState, DP Chem_Pot, stringstream& DAT_outfile)
// This function prints the matrix element information to the fstream,
// and returns a weighed `data_value' to be multiplied by sumrule_factor,
// to determine if scanning along this thread should be continued.
bool fixed_iK = (iKmin == iKmax);
// Identify which matrix element is needed from the number of particles in Left and Right states:
DP ME = 0.0;
complex<DP> ME_CX = 0.0;
if (whichDSF == 'Z')
ME = LeftState.E - RefState.E;
else if (whichDSF == 'd' || whichDSF == '1')
ME = real(exp(ln_Density_ME (LeftState, RefState)));
else if (whichDSF == 'o')
ME = real(exp(ln_Psi_ME (LeftState, RefState)));
else if (whichDSF == 'g')
ME = real(exp(ln_Psi_ME (RefState, LeftState)));
else if (whichDSF == 'q') // geometrical quench
ME_CX = LiebLin_ln_Overlap(LeftState.lambdaoc, LeftState.lnnorm, RefState);
else if (whichDSF == 'B') { // BEC to finite c quench: g2(x=0)
// overlap part, relative to saddle-point state
ME_CX = exp(ln_Overlap_with_BEC (LeftState) - ln_Overlap_with_BEC (RefState));
// matrix element part
ME = real(exp(ln_g2_ME (RefState, LeftState)));
// The product is ME_CX * ME = e^{-\delta S_e} \langle \rho_{sp} | g2 (x=0) | \rho_{sp} + e \rangle
// and is the first half of the t-dep expectation value formula coming from the Quench Action formalism
else if (whichDSF == 'C') { // BEC to finite c quench: overlap
ME_CX = exp(2.0* ln_Overlap_with_BEC (LeftState)); // overlap sq part
ME = 0.0;
else ABACUSerror("Wrong whichDSF in Compute_Matrix_Element_Contrib.");
if (is_nan(ME)) ME = (whichDSF == 'Z') ? 1.0e+200 : 0.0;
if (is_nan(norm(ME_CX))) ME_CX = -100.0;
DAT_outfile << setprecision(16);
// Print information to fstream:
if (LeftState.iK - RefState.iK >= iKmin && LeftState.iK - RefState.iK <= iKmax) {
if (whichDSF == 'Z') {
DAT_outfile << endl << LeftState.E - RefState.E - (LeftState.N - RefState.N) * Chem_Pot << "\t"
<< LeftState.iK - RefState.iK
<< 0 << "\t" // This is the deviation, here always 0
<< "\t" << LeftState.label;
else if (whichDSF == 'q') {
DAT_outfile << endl << LeftState.E - RefState.E - (LeftState.N - RefState.N) * Chem_Pot << "\t"
<< LeftState.iK - RefState.iK << "\t"
<< real(ME_CX) << "\t" << imag(ME_CX) - twoPI * int(imag(ME_CX)/twoPI + 1.0e-10) << "\t"
<< 0 << "\t" // This is the deviation, here always 0
<< LeftState.label;
else if (whichDSF == '1') {
DAT_outfile << endl << LeftState.E - RefState.E - (LeftState.N - RefState.N) * Chem_Pot << "\t"
<< LeftState.iK - RefState.iK << "\t"
<< ME << "\t"
<< 0 << "\t" // This is the deviation, here always 0
<< LeftState.label;
DAT_outfile << "\t" << Momentum_Right_Excitations(LeftState) << "\t" << Momentum_Left_Excitations(LeftState);
else if (whichDSF == 'B') { // BEC to finite c > 0 quench; g2 (x=0)
if (fabs(real(ME_CX) * ME) > 1.0e-100)
DAT_outfile << endl << LeftState.E - RefState.E << "\t"
<< LeftState.iK - RefState.iK << "\t"
<< real(ME_CX) << "\t" // the overlap is always real
<< ME << "\t"
<< LeftState.label;
else if (whichDSF == 'C') { // BEC to finite c, overlap sq
if (fabs(real(ME_CX)) > 1.0e-100)
DAT_outfile << endl << LeftState.E - RefState.E << "\t"
<< LeftState.iK - RefState.iK << "\t"
<< real(ME_CX) << "\t" // the overlap is always real
<< ME << "\t"
<< LeftState.label;
else {
DAT_outfile << endl << LeftState.E - RefState.E - (LeftState.N - RefState.N) * Chem_Pot << "\t"
<< LeftState.iK - RefState.iK << "\t"
<< ME << "\t"
<< 0 << "\t" // This is the deviation, here always 0
<< LeftState.label;
} // if iKmin <= iK <= iKmax
// Calculate and return the data_value:
DP data_value = ME * ME;
if (whichDSF == 'Z') // use 1/(1 + omega)
data_value = 1.0/(1.0 + LeftState.E - RefState.E - (LeftState.N - RefState.N) * Chem_Pot);
else if (whichDSF == 'd' || whichDSF == '1') {
if (fixed_iK)
data_value = (LeftState.E - RefState.E - (LeftState.N - RefState.N) * Chem_Pot) * ME * ME;
else if (!fixed_iK)
data_value = (LeftState.E - RefState.E - (LeftState.N - RefState.N) * Chem_Pot) * ME * ME
/ABACUS::max(1, (LeftState.iK - RefState.iK) * (LeftState.iK - RefState.iK));
else if (whichDSF == 'g' || whichDSF == 'o') {
if (fixed_iK)
data_value = (LeftState.E - RefState.E - (LeftState.N - RefState.N) * Chem_Pot) * ME * ME;
else if (!fixed_iK) {
data_value = ME * ME;
else if (whichDSF == 'q')
data_value = exp(2.0 * real(ME_CX));
else if (whichDSF == 'B')
data_value = abs(ME_CX * ME)/(1.0 + sqrt(fabs(LeftState.E - RefState.E)));
else if (whichDSF == 'C')
data_value = abs(ME_CX);
if (whichDSF == '1') // hard cutoff for nr, nl when calculating exponents
if (Momentum_Right_Excitations(LeftState) >= 30 || Momentum_Left_Excitations(LeftState) >= 30)
data_value = 0.0;
} // namespace ABACUS