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  1. /**********************************************************
  2. This software is part of J.-S. Caux's ABACUS library.
  3. Copyright (c) J.-S. Caux.
  4. -----------------------------------------------------------
  5. File: ABACUS.h
  6. Purpose: Core header file, includes all descendents.
  7. ***********************************************************/
  8. #ifndef ABACUS_H
  9. #define ABACUS_H
  10. // This core header file includes all the others
  11. const char ABACUS_VERSION[20] = "ABACUS_0a";
  12. // Standard includes
  13. #include <cmath>
  14. #include <complex> // for complex number algebra
  15. #include <string>
  16. #include <iostream>
  17. #include <fstream>
  18. #include <iomanip>
  19. #include <cstdlib> // for exit(), ...
  20. #include <ctime> // for clock(), ...
  21. #include <limits> // for numeric limits
  22. #include <climits> // for numeric limits
  23. // For file sizes, etc
  24. #include "sys/types.h"
  25. #include "sys/stat.h"
  26. #include "unistd.h"
  27. // Signal handling
  28. #include <stdio.h> /* standard I/O functions */
  29. #include <unistd.h> /* standard unix functions, like getpid() */
  30. #include <sys/types.h> /* various type definitions, like pid_t */
  31. #include <signal.h> /* signal name macros, and the signal() prototype */
  32. // My own math functions and shortcuts
  33. #include "ABACUS_Utils.h"
  34. // Vectors and matrices
  35. #include "ABACUS_Vect.h" // My vector class definitions
  36. #include "ABACUS_Matrix.h" // My matrix class definitions
  37. // Choose_Table
  38. #include "ABACUS_Combi.h"
  39. // Fitting, interpolating
  40. #include "ABACUS_Fitting.h"
  41. // Young tableaux
  42. #include "ABACUS_Young.h"
  43. // Integration
  44. #include "ABACUS_Integ.h"
  45. // Special functions:
  46. #include "ABACUS_Spec_Fns.h"
  47. //*** Integrable models:
  48. // Heisenberg spin-1/2 antiferromagnet
  49. #include "ABACUS_Heis.h"
  50. // Lieb-Liniger
  51. #include "ABACUS_LiebLin.h"
  52. // One-d spinless fermions:
  53. #include "ABACUS_ODSLF.h"
  54. // General:
  55. //#include "ABACUS_Bethe.h" // IN DEVELOPMENT
  56. // Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz utilities
  57. #include "ABACUS_TBA.h"
  58. // State ensembles
  59. #include "ABACUS_State_Ensemble.h"
  60. // XXX in zero field: Vertex Operator Approach
  61. #include "ABACUS_XXX_VOA.h"
  62. // XXZ in zero field: Vertex Operator Approach
  63. #include "ABACUS_XXZ_VOA.h"
  64. // *** Correlation functions:
  65. // New scanning protocols for ABACUS++
  66. #include "ABACUS_Scan.h"
  67. // Numerical RG:
  68. #include "ABACUS_NRG.h"
  69. // Typedefs:
  70. typedef double DP;
  71. #endif // ABACUS_H