
275 lines
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This software is part of J.-S. Caux's ABACUS library.
Copyright (c) J.-S. Caux.
File: LiebLin_State_Ensemble.cc
Purpose: State ensembles for Lieb-Liniger
#include "ABACUS.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace ABACUS;
namespace ABACUS {
// Constructors:
LiebLin_Diagonal_State_Ensemble::LiebLin_Diagonal_State_Ensemble ()
: nstates(0), state(Vect<LiebLin_Bethe_State>(1)), weight(0.0, 1)
LiebLin_Diagonal_State_Ensemble::LiebLin_Diagonal_State_Ensemble (const LiebLin_Bethe_State& RefState, int nstates_req)
: nstates(nstates_req), state(Vect<LiebLin_Bethe_State>(RefState, nstates_req)), weight(1.0/nstates_req, nstates_req)
// Recursively go through all arbitrary-order type 2 descendents
void Generate_type_2_descendents (LiebLin_Bethe_State& ActualState, int* ndesc_ptr, const LiebLin_Bethe_State& OriginState)
int type_required = 3;
Vect<string> desc_label = Descendents (ActualState, OriginState, type_required);
if (desc_label.size() > 0) { // follow down recursively
LiebLin_Bethe_State ActualState_here = ActualState;
for (int idesc = 0; idesc < desc_label.size(); ++idesc) {
ActualState_here.Set_to_Label (desc_label[idesc], OriginState.Ix2);
// output data:
cout << *ndesc_ptr << "\t" << desc_label[idesc] << endl;
cout << "origin: " << OriginState.Ix2 << endl;
cout << "shiftd: " << ActualState_here.Ix2 << endl;
cout << "\t\t\t\t\t\t" << ActualState.E - OriginState.E << endl;
*ndesc_ptr += 1;
Generate_type_2_descendents (ActualState_here, ndesc_ptr, OriginState);
// do them mod st:
idesc += 6;
LiebLin_Diagonal_State_Ensemble::LiebLin_Diagonal_State_Ensemble (DP c_int, DP L, int N, const Root_Density& rho)
// This function returns a state ensemble matching the continuous density rho.
// The logic closely resembles the one used in Discretized_LiebLin_Bethe_State.
//version with 4 states in ensemble
Root_Density x(rho.Npts, rho.lambdamax);
for(int ix=0; ix<x.Npts; ++ix) {
x.value[ix] = x.lambda[ix];
for( int ip=0; ip<rho.Npts; ++ip) {
x.value[ix] += 2.0 * rho.value[ip] * rho.dlambda[ip] * atan ((x.lambda[ix] - rho.lambda[ip])/c_int);
x.value[ix] /= 2.0*PI; //normalization
// Now carry on as per Discretized_LiebLin_Bethe_State:
// Each time N \int_{-\infty}^\lambda d\lambda' \rho(\lambda') crosses a half integer, add a particle:
DP integral = 0.0;
DP integral_prev = 0.0;
int Nfound = 0;
Vect<DP> Ix2_found(0.0, N);
int Ix2_left, Ix2_right;
Vect<int> Ix2(N);
LiebLin_Bethe_State rhostate(c_int, N, L);
nstates = 4;
state = Vect<LiebLin_Bethe_State>(rhostate, nstates);
weight = Vect<DP>(nstates);
weight[0] = 1.0/nstates;
weight[1] = 1.0/nstates;
weight[2] = 1.0/nstates;
weight[3] = 1.0/nstates;
int n_moves = 0;
bool change = true;
for (int i = 0; i < rho.Npts; ++i) {
integral_prev = integral;
integral += L * rho.value[i] * rho.dlambda[i];
if (integral > Nfound + 0.5) {
// Subtle error: if the rho is too discontinuous, i.e. if more than one rapidity is found, must correct for this.
if (integral > Nfound + 1.5 && integral < Nfound + 2.5) { // found two rapidities
ABACUSerror("The distribution of particles is too discontinous for discretisation");
else {
// few variables to clarify the computations, they do not need to be vectors, not used outside this loop
Ix2_found[Nfound] = 2.0 * L * x.Return_Value(rho.lambda[i]);
Ix2_left = floor(Ix2_found[Nfound]);
Ix2_left -= (Ix2_left + N + 1)%2 ? 1 : 0; //adjust parity
Ix2_right = ceil(Ix2_found[Nfound]);
Ix2_right += (Ix2_right + N + 1)%2 ? 1 : 0; //adjust parity
int Ix2_in = (Ix2_found[Nfound] > 0 ? Ix2_left : Ix2_right);
int Ix2_out = (Ix2_found[Nfound] > 0 ? Ix2_right : Ix2_left);
cout << rho.lambda[i] << "\t" << x.Return_Value(rho.lambda[i]) << "\t" << Ix2_found[Nfound] << endl;
//choose the saddle point state and remember the uncertain choices
if(Ix2_found[Nfound] - Ix2_left < 0.5) {
state[0].Ix2[Nfound] = Ix2_left;
state[1].Ix2[Nfound] = Ix2_left;
state[2].Ix2[Nfound] = Ix2_left;
state[3].Ix2[Nfound] = Ix2_left;
else if (Ix2_right - Ix2_found[Nfound] < 0.5) {
state[0].Ix2[Nfound] = Ix2_right;
state[1].Ix2[Nfound] = Ix2_right;
state[2].Ix2[Nfound] = Ix2_right;
state[3].Ix2[Nfound] = Ix2_right;
else {
//it's a kind of magic: the zeroth goes in whle the first goes out,
//the second goes left if the third goes right
state[0].Ix2[Nfound] = Ix2_in;
state[1].Ix2[Nfound] = Ix2_out;
state[2+change].Ix2[Nfound] = Ix2_left;
state[2+!change].Ix2[Nfound] = Ix2_right;
change = !change;
//fix state[3] and state[4]
for(int i=0; i<N-1; ++i) {
if(state[2].Ix2[i] == state[2].Ix2[i+1]) {
if(state[2].Ix2[i] != state[2].Ix2[i-1] + 2) state[2].Ix2[i] -= 2;
else state[2].Ix2[i+1] += 2;
if(state[3].Ix2[i] == state[3].Ix2[i+1]) {
if(state[3].Ix2[i] != state[3].Ix2[i-1] + 2) state[3].Ix2[i] -= 2;
else state[3].Ix2[i+1] += 2;
bool all_Diff = true;
//check that all 'ns' states are different, we assume that Ix2 are ordered
for(int i=0; i<nstates; ++i)
for(int j=i+1; j<nstates; ++j) {
if(state[i].Ix2 == state[j].Ix2)
all_Diff = false;
if(!all_Diff) {
//check if the first two states are different
if(state[0].Ix2 == state[1].Ix2)
ABACUSerror("Cannot create 4 (nor 2) different states in LiebLin_Diagonal_State_Ensemble. "
"Consider increasing system size");
else {
nstates = 2;
weight[0] = 0.5;
weight[1] = 0.5;
for(int i=0; i<nstates; ++i) {
cout << weight[0] << "\t" << state[0].Ix2 << endl << weight[0] << "\t" << state[1].Ix2 << endl;
LiebLin_Diagonal_State_Ensemble& LiebLin_Diagonal_State_Ensemble::operator= (const LiebLin_Diagonal_State_Ensemble& rhs)
if (this != &rhs) {
nstates = rhs.nstates;
state = rhs.state;
weight = rhs.weight;
void LiebLin_Diagonal_State_Ensemble::Load (DP c_int, DP L, int N, const char* ensfile_Cstr)
ifstream infile(ensfile_Cstr);
// Count nr of lines in file:
string dummy;
int nrlines = 0;
while (getline(infile, dummy)) ++nrlines;
nstates = nrlines;
LiebLin_Bethe_State examplestate (c_int, L, N);
state = Vect<LiebLin_Bethe_State> (examplestate, nstates);
weight = Vect<DP> (0.0, nstates);
string dummylabel;
for (int ns = 0; ns < nstates; ++ns) {
infile >> weight[ns] >> dummylabel;
for (int i = 0; i < state[ns].N; ++i) infile >> state[ns].Ix2[i];
for (int ns = 0; ns < nstates; ++ns) {
state[ns].Set_Label_from_Ix2 (state[0].Ix2); // labels are ref to the saddle-point state
void LiebLin_Diagonal_State_Ensemble::Save (const char* ensfile_Cstr)
ofstream outfile;
for (int ns = 0; ns < nstates; ++ns) {
if (ns > 0) outfile << endl;
outfile << setprecision(16) << weight[ns] << "\t" << state[ns].label << "\t";
for (int i = 0; i < state[ns].N; ++i) outfile << " " << state[ns].Ix2[i];
LiebLin_Diagonal_State_Ensemble LiebLin_Thermal_Saddle_Point_Ensemble (DP c_int, DP L, int N, DP kBT)
// This function constructs a manifold of states around the thermal saddle-point.
// Start as per Canonical_Saddle_Point_State:
// This function returns the discretized state minimizing the canonical free energy
// F = E - T S.
// This is obtained by rediscretizing the solution coming from TBA.
// Otherwise, return the discretized TBA saddle-point state:
LiebLin_TBA_Solution TBAsol = LiebLin_TBA_Solution_fixed_nbar (c_int, N/L, kBT, 1.0e-4, 100);
LiebLin_Diagonal_State_Ensemble ensemble(c_int, L, N, TBAsol.rho);
cout << "nbar: " << TBAsol.nbar << endl;
cout << "ebar: " << TBAsol.ebar << endl;
cout << ensemble.state[0].E << endl;
} // namespace ABACUS