* Pre-Quantum Electrodynamics lecture notes (html export) In this repo, you will find [[https://jscaux.org][J.-S. Caux]]'s [[https://jscaux.org/ln/pqed][Pre-Quantum Electrodynamics]] online lecture notes (exported to html). ** Pulling the notes to your local machine On the command line, #+BEGIN_SRC shell git clone https://jscaux.org/git/jscaux/pqed_html.git #+END_SRC This will create a directory =pqed_html=. If you prefer pulling into a differently-named directory (/e.g./ =my_pqed_dir=), just do #+BEGIN_SRC shell git clone https://jscaux.org/git/jscaux/pqed_html.git my_pqed_dir #+END_SRC Make sure you regularly pull the latest version (updates are frequently pushed; check the =Created= date at the bottom of the page to see which version you're using): #+BEGIN_SRC shell cd pqed_html git pull origin master #+END_SRC ** Using the notes locally Pretty easy: just open the =index.org= page (or any other =.html= page in the repo) in your browser. ** Providing feedback You can either [[mailto:prof@jscaux.org][email me]] or [[https://jscaux.org/git/jscaux/pqed_html/issues][create an issue in this repo]] . Your feedback is most welcome. ** Learning git [[https://git-scm.com/][git]] is one of those applications which you don't know you need until you start using it, after which you wonder how you could possibly have survived without it in the past. Though you don't need anything more than the instructions above, it's well worth your while to [[https://git-scm.com/doc][RTFM]].