Pre-Quantum Electrodynamics

Diagnostics d


This chapter is a module-by-module list of the core concepts which you should be comfortable with. Use it as a diagnostics guide to assess how well you understand the material.

So my suggestion is: take a number of blank sheets of paper, and try to do the things that are suggested from the top of your head, i.e. without looking at any of your notes, books, internet or whatever. This should help you identify holes in your comprehension and thus clarify what your study priorities are.

Note/warning: this is in some sense the minimal stuff you should have assimilated. The things listed here are by no means exhaustive of the subject matter, or of the full examinable material. If you do understand everything here and are able to apply it, I have little doubt you'll pass the course.

In this section:

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Author: Jean-Sébastien Caux

Created: 2022-03-15 Tue 08:10