Pre-Quantum Electrodynamics

Diagnostics: Electromagnetostatics d.ems

Fundamentals: After properly studying this module, you should be able to:

  • write down Coulomb's law
  • state the principle of superposition
  • write down the electrostatic field at \({\bf r}\) generated by a set of point charges \(q_i\) at \({\bf r}_i\)
  • write down the electrostatic field at \({\bf r}\) generated by a continuous charge distribution \(\rho ({\bf r}')\)
  • write down the electrostatic potential at \({\bf r}\) generated by a set of point charges \(q_i\) at \({\bf r}_i\)
  • write down the relationship between the electrostatic field and the electrostatic potential, in both differential and integral forms
  • write down the curl of an electrostatic field
  • write down the electrostatic potential at \({\bf r}\) generated by a continuous charge distribution \(\rho ({\bf r}')\)
  • write down Gauss' law in integral form
  • write down Gauss' law in differential form
  • write down Poisson's equation
  • write down Laplace's equation
  • write down the formula for the energy of an electrostatic field
  • state the basic properties of a conductor

Applications: As a strict minimum, you should be able to:

  • using Gauss' law, calculate the electrostatic field at any point \({\bf r}\) originating from
    • a charged ball with uniform charge density \(\rho\)
    • an infinite line charge with linear charge density \(\lambda\)
    • an infinite charged plane with surface charge density \(\sigma\)

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Author: Jean-Sébastien Caux

Created: 2022-03-15 Tue 08:10